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The difference between making images and taking images.

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Making an image is planning and a lot of trial and error.

This image is taken at a local ski slope – minutes from where I live.

The image above is taken a couple of minutes by car from my house. I asked my good friend William if he wanted to help me with a shot I had planned and asked him to bring his snowboard. I was at the location 30 min before him and started to scout for a promising location rigged some lights and found the angles I liked. When William arrived we talked the shot through – I showed him a rough hand drawn sketch of what I was looking for. After a couple trials and light adjustments we got this.

The above image is a result of an idea that William and I had when we where out snowboarding together. We saw this fallen tree and William wanted to make a kicker out of it. We had crazy amounts of snow that winter and we really had to struggle to get to the spot. We tested a few shots and when we where satisfied with the result we lit a smoke grenade for the grand finale. Above you see the result. A perfect Friday evening.

Another sub caption that is large

“Let´s make some noise here that spans over a couple of lines of text”
